Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Zach has been focusing quite a bit on math lately and consequently has let other subjects lapse. Tonight, right before bed, I noticed he had a simple 250 word essay due tomorrow in Geography. Not even started yet! He is behind in several projects not to mention English I, where he is behind 5 or so lessons and quizzes. I have been working hard on teaching Zach how to write a paper, yet he still avoids it like the plague! Spring break is next week, but there won't be any break for him (us)!


  1. Math is a challenge for Jordan as well. He does the same thing...work diligently on one subject and ignore the rest. His grades have always reflected this with ups and downs. Writing is something Jordan has had great difficulty with over the years. When a paper is due, I have to help him edit it many times. It is difficult when they are always playing "catch up" with assignments. I know this makes Jordan even more frustrated and overwhelmed. I try to get him to pace himself and make a plan. Sometimes this works...and often...it doesn't. Thinking of you!

  2. Thanks Stacey for sharing! Jordan does sound very much like Zach! Just tonight I have had to ask him SEVERAL times to stick with his work. My husband has even noticed how many times he has tried to sneak away when we are not looking and "Catch up" is a weekly event. It is so helpful to be able to share our stories...☺
